Managing a private educational organization just got a whole lot simpler and affordable.
As a result of our extensive research, development and interest in private organizations, SunRaye has delivered a product that will significantly improve your ability to operate a profitable, successful business in a very competitive environment. We understand better than most the difficulties in competing for students, strict government requirements for reporting and the need to know at any given time how your business is doing financially.
Why is information technology important to you?
The competition and delivery of educational programs is becoming ever more challenging. Private educational organizations need to be more competitive, have greater capacity to monitor and detect trends, and facilitate change rapidly and effectively. SAS provides the ability to do this and more. A click of a button means the ability to have your business' current revenue report instantly, or a comparison to this time last month or last year. You need to know that when compliance reporting is due that your school is prepared and will not be at risk for funding. In your office, on the road, at home, with web-based SAS you are a click away from entering, retrieving or sending important data to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Let us help.
SAS is a thoroughly integrated student information system that incorporates all of the processes and procedures essential to operating a single or multiple campuses learning facility such as private career colleges, ESL schools, and specific trade schools or organizations. Utilizing our web-based application, an organization can effectively manage as few or as many of your institution's specific administrative needs into single system. Focusing on what matters most, SAS has a powerful sales and marketing feature to assist private organizations in maximizing their enrollment which leads to increased top-line revenues while at the same time focusing on backend loan, tuition aid and government compliance reporting. Increased bottom-line profits are accomplished through increased productivity, timely reporting and graduate follow-up.